London School of Economics, Saturday 24 April 2010
To register: post cheque to Inform, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE. (; 020 7955 7654).
Tickets (including buffet lunch, coffee and tea) paid by 7 April 2010 cost £38 each (£18 students/unwaged). NB. Tickets booked after 7 April 2010 will cost £48 each (£28 students/unwaged).
Provisional Programme:
9.30 - 10.00: Registration
10.00 - 10.10: Welcome and Introduction
10.10 - 10.35: Eileen Barker (Professor Emeritus, LSE; Chair & Honorary Director, Inform)
"Be it a Crime if I Believe?"
10.35 - 11.00: Annie Yang (A Falun Gong practitioner)
"The Persecution of Falun Gong in China: A Personal Experience of 'Re-Education'"
11.00 - 11.25: Coffee
11.25 - 11.50: Jack Kreindler (Former member, World of Yaad)
Title to be confirmed
11.50 - 12.15: Ian Toon (Metropolitan Police)
"Nrms, a police perspective"
12.15 - 12.50: Group Discussions
12.50 - 13.50: Lunch
13.50 - 14.15: François Bellanger (Lawyer, Professor of Law at the University of Geneva and President of the Swiss Information Center on Beliefs)
"Cults and crime from a legal perspective"
14.15 - 14.40: Michael Langone (Executive Director, International Cultic Studies Association, USA)
"Cultic crimes in North America Part 1"
14.40 - 15.05: Mike Kropveld (Executive Director, Info-Secte, Canada)
"Cultic crimes in North America Part 2"
15.05 - 15.30: Tea
15.30 - 15.55: Henri de Cordes (President, Information & Advice Center on Harmful Sectarian Organizations, Belgium)
"The 74 corpses of the Solar Temple Order : Sacrifice, Suicide or Crime?"
15.55 - 16.20: Jean La Fontaine (Professor Emeritus, LSE; Honorary Research Fellow, Inform)
"Ritual murder?"
16.20 - 16.50: Panel Discussion
Also note the upcoming Forum on Religion seminar series at the LSE, in association with Inform.
For more about the Forum on Religion, see
Forum seminars take place from 5:30-7pm in the Cañada Blanch Room (J116), Cowdray House, Portugal Street, London WC2A 2AE
(Find the 'J' building on this map:
4 March -- 'Intolerance and Persecution of Religious Deviance Within Islam: The Case of the Ahmadiyya Community in Indonesia'
-- John Sidel, Department of Government, LSE
The study of religion includes a rich literature on intolerance and persecution of religious deviance in Christianity, but very little in the context of Islam.
This lacuna is especially striking and unfortunate, given the prevalent perceptions in the West of Islam as a faith which is particularly strict in its interpretation
and application of religious doctrine. Against this backdrop, Professor Sidel's lecture is intended to subject patterns of religious intolerance and persecution
within Islam to comparative analysis and theoretical illumination, situating the case of attacks on Ahmadiyya communities and 'deviant sects' (aliran sesat)
in Indonesia since 2005 against a broader history of religious violence in the country and beyond.
6 May -- Seminar on Muslim identities: Muslim identity in the British educational landscape, and Bosnian Muslim identity in integration patterns in New England
3 June -- Seminar on religion, immigration and the far right: the cases of Greece and Britain
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