martedì 16 febbraio 2010

Call for articles: Transnational Islam


European Journal of Economic and Political Studies (EJEPS) is a refereed academic journal, publishing research articles in the field of economics, business administration, international relations, political science, public administration and related fields. The aim of *EJEPS* is to provide an intellectual platform for social-scientific studies, a platform in which research in alternative paradigms for economic and social inquiry could be presented and debated. The journal seeks to promote interdisciplinary
studies over the issues of theoretical, practical, and historical importance in dealing with the rich array of problems in economic, political and social processes.

The 3(1) issue of EJEPS will be devoted to transnational Islam. This special issue that will be guest edited by Ihsan Yilmaz is open to contributions from all areas of social sciences and humanities. Papers in major fields such as anthropology, theology, sociology, political science, international relations, law and interdisciplinary studies are most welcome.

The topics suitable for the issue include but not limited to:
· How transnationalism impinges on debates about Muslims in Europe
· Transnational Islam, globalization, regional security, international migration
· Transnationalism vis-a-vis Muslim identity issues
· Transnational Islamic movements and politics, Hizb ut-Tahrir, Muslim Brotherhood, Tablighi Jamaat etc
· Intersecting transnationalism
· Skilful transnational navigators
· Transnational Islam & Jihadism
· Muslim scholars, fiqh and transnational Islam
· Pluri-national agendas
· Muslims in the west and western foreign policies
· Imagined unity of ummah: Predicaments and prospects
· Competing transnational Islams
· Hybridization of Islams

The deadline for submission of completed papers is *15 March 2010*.
The maximum length of the article, including footnotes and endnotes, is *9000* words.

You can submit your electronic manuscripts, for this issue only, to:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ihsan Yilmaz:



Any paper submitted to the European Journal of Economic and Political Studies (EJEPS) should* NOT *be under consideration for publication at another journal.

*1.* Papers must be in English.
*2.* Submit manuscripts electronically to **
*3.* Papers that are submitted to the EJEPS for publication should not be under review at other journals.
*4.* The first page of the manuscript should contain:
(i) the title
(ii) the name(s) and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s)
(iii) the address, telephone and fax numbers (as well as the e-mail address) of the corresponding author.
(iv) an abstract of 50-200 words.
(v) JEL categories
*5.* Manuscripts should be 1.5 spaced, Please use Times New Roman font in 12 pt. type and maintain a 1-inch (2.5-cm) side, top, and bottom margin. Equations and symbols should be typed as well.
*6.* Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively.
*7.* References should be listed at the end of the main text in alphabetical order. They should be cross-referenced in the text by using the author's name and publication date in the style of Sen (1970).
*8.* The maximum lenthg of the manuscript, including footnotes and endnotes, is 9000 words

*References should be typed in the following style:*

Sen, A. (1970) Collective Choice and Social Welfare. San Francisco: Holden-Day.

Ng, Y.K. (1971) "The Possibility of a Paretian Liberal: Impossibility Theorems and Cardinal Utility." Journal of Political Economy 79: 1397-1402.

*Chapters in Books:*
Watkins, J.W.N. (1968) "Methodological Individualism and Social Tendencies," In M. Brodbeck (Ed.), Readings in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences pp. 269-280 London: Macmillan.

*Web sites: *
Biography Center. (accessed October 25, 2007).

*Working Papers *
Isabel, M. (2004) "An Efficient Descending-Bid Simultaneous Auctions for Multiple Objects." NBER Working Paper 97-06

*Conference Papers *
Bacık, G. (2006) "The Evolution of Political Stabilization of Middle East ." Fatih University International Relations Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.

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