sabato 13 marzo 2010

Seminario: Cults and Crime

Please find below the details of Inform's upcoming Seminar:

London School of Economics, Saturday 24 April 2010

To register: post cheque to Inform, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE. (; 020 7955 7654).
Tickets (including buffet lunch, coffee and tea) paid by 7 April 2010 cost £38 each (£18 students/unwaged). NB. Tickets booked after 7 April 2010 will cost £48 each (£28 students/unwaged).

Provisional Programme:

9.30 - 10.00: Registration
10.00 - 10.10: Welcome and Introduction
10.10 - 10.35: Eileen Barker (Professor Emeritus, LSE; Chair & Honorary Director, Inform) "Be it a Crime if I Believe?"
10.35 - 11.00: Annie Yang (A Falun Gong practitioner) "The Persecution of Falun Gong in China: A Personal Experience of 'Re-Education'"
11.00 - 11.25: Coffee
11.25 - 11.50: Jack Kreindler (Former member, World of Yaad) From Harmless to Grievous Bodily Harm
11.50 - 12.15: Ian Toon (Metropolitan Police) "Nrms, a police perspective"
12.15 - 12.50: Group Discussions
12.50 - 13.50: Lunch
13.50 - 14.15: François Bellanger (Lawyer, Professor of Law at the University of Geneva and President of the Swiss Information Center on Beliefs) "Cults and crime from a legal perspective"
14.15 - 14.40: Michael Langone (Executive Director, International Cultic Studies Association, USA) "Cultic crimes in North America Part 1"
14.40 - 15.05: Mike Kropveld (Executive Director, Info-Secte, Canada) "Cultic crimes in North America Part 2"
15.05 - 15.30: Tea
15.30 - 15.55: Henri de Cordes (President, Information & Advice Center on Harmful Sectarian Organizations, Belgium) "The 74 corpses of the Solar Temple Order : Sacrifice, Suicide or Crime?"
15.55 - 16.20: Jean La Fontaine (Professor Emeritus, LSE; Honorary Research Fellow, Inform) "Ritual murder?"
16.20 - 16.50: Panel Discussion

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