martedì 27 aprile 2010

Book: From indifference to dialogue?

The book series Religious Diversity and Education in Europe, published
by Waxmann, started in 2006 and is now a major source of European
research findings on religious education, with no less than 19 volumes

Titles can be viewed and ordered at:

The latest volume, by Dr Olga Schihalejev, is out today. Entitled From
Indifference to Dialogue? Estonian Young People, the School and
Religious Diversity, the book is dedicated to the memory of Pille Valk.

Olga’s book contributes to discussions about religious education and its
relation to young people’s concerns and to social cohesion in Estonia.
However, it also makes an important contribution to the international
debate about religions and education. It brings together empirical
studies conducted in Estonia in the framework of a major European
project, REDCo (Religion in Education: A contribution to Dialogue or a
factor of Conflict in transforming societies of European Countries?)
setting the research in the context of wider international debates.

The mixed methods research investigates the attitudes of 14-16 years old
Estonians towards religion and religious diversity, exploring their
views on the role of the school in promoting dialogue and tolerance
among representatives of different worldviews, and establishing the ways
in which their experience of religious education affects their views on
these issues. Grounded in the findings of three empirical studies, Olga
explores dialogical pedagogies for non-confessional approaches to
religious education and discusses policies for strengthening active
tolerance in the school context.

Would any journal editors/review editors requiring a review copy contact
Beate Plugge at Waxmann?

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